Turnkey plants according to the BTA® Process
In certain cases, BTA International also acts as general contractor or consortium partner in Europe for the mechanical and electrical equipment of a plant.
You benefit from the close cooperation between our experienced engineering team and our professional project management.
The hand-in-hand of our comprehensive process expertise, engineering experience and our structured and targeted project management are a guarantee for project success.
Our promises:
On-time delivery
Deadlines are a promise and a commitment for our teams. That's why we don't promise anything we can't keep!
Our goal is to implement the construction project on schedule and to quickly commission the plant and start full-load operation. However, a considered approach is always taken when starting up the plant in order to achieve a stable biological equilibrium. Well-planned performance runs facilitate rapid 'acceptance'.
Process engineering competence
BTA International selects and installs the plant components on the basis of the individual process engineering necessities and assumes responsibility for the entire process.
In doing so, BTA International relies on its many years of experience in the planning of waste fermentation plants as well as on a pool of proven technical suppliers that are regularly reviewed.
Cost loyalty
We don't make it our sport to write supplements and drive up project costs afterwards.
However, if additional services are required or requested by the client, the best solutions are worked out together in the interest of the project and their costs are presented in a comprehensible manner.
International experience
BTA International has proven since the first waste treatment plant in 1990: We can work internationally. We are experienced in dealing with clients from numerous countries, are familiar with different "health & safety regulations" and operate safely - also contractually - in other legal environments.